Sunday 1 March 2009

Summer surprise...

Here's something for you to wonder about...

What have the teachers planned for you in the summer?.... it is scientific ... it is fun .... it is challenging...

Ideas???? Post them...

SSSSSHHHHHHH........Springy Science Club!

Ms L-D (your friendly Science Co-ordinator) is keen to start a Springy Science Club at Springfield Junior School.

This club is not meant to be for SATs revision but is meant to be fun, challenging and an opportunity for you budding scientists to have a go and learn some new science.

The club will run in 12 week blocks and there is a badge, certificate and prizes at the end of it. You could be a Superstar or a Megastar Science Investigator by the end of it!!!
The cost of the club is £1 per week (this covers new equipment, cost of badges and that all important snack and juice to fire up our brains).

If you are interested, post your name below. First come, first served!!! I will announce this at an assembly in the next few weeks - so this is a sneak preview. Blog your interest!!!

Nosey Science Day

On Friday 13th March, we are having our Nosey Science Day for Comic Relief.

Mrs Eames, The School Council and Ms L-D have got together and organised some fabulous activities for you to do on the day. This will be a fantastic opportunity for you all to dress up as crazy scientists and celebrate one of the most famous scientists in the world - Albert Einstein, whose birthday is on Saturday 14th March. He died in 1955 but his scientific discoveries and theories are still vitally important today!

Your teachers will be celebrating his birthday by discussing his life and work and teaching some crazy, fun scientific experiments in the afternoon.

Why not come dressed as a scientist? It can be as crazy or as sensible as you like. Your teachers will show you a PowerPoint with some ideas on it that might give you the inspiration to have a go. There will be a prize for the most interesting/funny/wackiest fancy dress costume.

I'm sure you will enjoy the day Please post any comments on this!