Sunday 1 March 2009

SSSSSHHHHHHH........Springy Science Club!

Ms L-D (your friendly Science Co-ordinator) is keen to start a Springy Science Club at Springfield Junior School.

This club is not meant to be for SATs revision but is meant to be fun, challenging and an opportunity for you budding scientists to have a go and learn some new science.

The club will run in 12 week blocks and there is a badge, certificate and prizes at the end of it. You could be a Superstar or a Megastar Science Investigator by the end of it!!!
The cost of the club is £1 per week (this covers new equipment, cost of badges and that all important snack and juice to fire up our brains).

If you are interested, post your name below. First come, first served!!! I will announce this at an assembly in the next few weeks - so this is a sneak preview. Blog your interest!!!


  1. Why am I not surprised JT. LOL! ;)

    I'll put your name on the list!

  2. it looks cool my mum says i can defently join because it is a good price and its going to be fun with mrs L-d
